What to Watch in the Theater:
Ghostbusters (PG13) is in theaters now. The story is fresh and new with a really funny cast, great homages and cameos, a rockin’ soundtrack. It’s not the original, but it doesn’t have to be. This movie can stand on its own.
Lights Out (PG13) opens today. The age old question: mental illness or demonic presence – with a bit of a twist. Good cast with plenty of things to make you jump.
What to Watch at Home:
Break Point (R) Brothers that let tennis come between them, and how they get back together. Interesting movie, but a little too much tennis. Not so much a comedy as a relationship movie.
Knight of Cups (R) Beautifully filmed movie full of narration and improvised dialogue with an unclear plot and not much action. You’ll either love it, or hate it, or just be confused.
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